Replacement Plans in Medicare

Traditional Medicare Replacement To expand on your knowledge of Medicare Part C (Advantage) plans, also known as replacement plans, this resource calls out various facts to be aware of as you develop your Medicare education. Remember, these plans replace Part B Medicare, and providers are not obligated to join Part C plans in order to…

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What is Medicare Advantage?

The Part C of Medicare According to, a Medicare Advantage (MA) Plan (like an HMO or PPO) is a Medicare health plan that qualified beneficiaries may choose as part of their Medicare package. These plans are very similar to traditional Health Maintenance Organizations (HMOs), Preferred Provider Organizations (PPOs) and Private Fee for Service (PFFS)…

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What is Part B Medicare?

Part B Medicare Chiropractic Coverage Medicare coverage is not as simple as it used to be. Seniors have options to choose from when selecting their coverage. In some cases, the senior may have to use a particular Medicare Coverage. Part B Medicare is the most common, but many seniors are opting for a Managed Care…

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Types of Medicare Coverage

A Chiropractic Assistant should have a basic understanding of the different PARTS of Medicare. It is not just Part A and Part B. This quick tutorial will help you understand the C and D of Medicare. NOTE: *In the tutorial, participation in Medicare Part C is discussed, and it’s noted that if the provider is…

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The Hierarchy of Medicare

The Rule Makers & Enforcers It’s important to understand the hierarchal relationship between the Office of Inspector General (OIG), The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), the Medicare Administrative Contractor (MAC), and the Doctor of Chiropractic (DC). Office of Inspector General (OIG) Since it was established in 1976, the Office of Inspector General of…

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History of Chiropractic and Medicare

Brief History of Chiropractic and Medicare 1945 = President Truman proposes National Health Insurance Plan 1965 = President Lyndon B Johnson signs Medicare into law 1966 = Medicare officially goes into effect for over 19 million people 1972 = Chiropractic added to Medicare (with limits) 2000 = P.A.R.T. introduced as measure for subluxation 2009 =…

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