Prioritize Patient Intake

Do Not Wing It! Despite its importance, the intake process is often given low priority. To give patients the best experience possible, develop a process before they even step foot in the office. The intake process allows the clinic to collect history and demographic information as soon as a patient schedules an appointment. It is…

Certified Chiropractic Clinical Assistant Training is now available as part of Library Membership! This official training is for those who wish to certify through the Federation of Chiropractic Licensing Boards (FCLB). The KMC University Library is an online resource for chiropractors and their teams that provides access to a vast array of educational materials and resources related to Medicare, documentation, billing, coding, compliance, and the business aspects of running a chiropractic practice. It can help chiropractors and their teams stay up-to-date on the latest regulations and best practices, as well as save time and money by avoiding costly mistakes. Click here to learn more.

A Closer Look at Scheduling Types  

Each clinic has its own individual needs when it comes to scheduling, and several methods can meet those different needs. And while the methods are different, they all succeed at the same thing; keeping patients scheduled and clinics growing. Type of Scheduling Definition Stream Scheduling Also known as time-specific scheduling, it involves scheduling patients at…

Certified Chiropractic Clinical Assistant Training is now available as part of Library Membership! This official training is for those who wish to certify through the Federation of Chiropractic Licensing Boards (FCLB). The KMC University Library is an online resource for chiropractors and their teams that provides access to a vast array of educational materials and resources related to Medicare, documentation, billing, coding, compliance, and the business aspects of running a chiropractic practice. It can help chiropractors and their teams stay up-to-date on the latest regulations and best practices, as well as save time and money by avoiding costly mistakes. Click here to learn more.

Scheduling 101

This tutorial is a quick overview of the types of scheduling processes that are often found in a chiropractic clinic. The goal is to become familiar with the different types and look for ways to implement the suggested tips and tricks.

Certified Chiropractic Clinical Assistant Training is now available as part of Library Membership! This official training is for those who wish to certify through the Federation of Chiropractic Licensing Boards (FCLB). The KMC University Library is an online resource for chiropractors and their teams that provides access to a vast array of educational materials and resources related to Medicare, documentation, billing, coding, compliance, and the business aspects of running a chiropractic practice. It can help chiropractors and their teams stay up-to-date on the latest regulations and best practices, as well as save time and money by avoiding costly mistakes. Click here to learn more.

Develop a Polished Telephone Technique

Will Rogers said it best, “You Never Get a Second Chance to Make a First Impression.” A Chiropractic Assistant must present a friendly, enthusiastic, and professional image both in person and over the phone. Telephone interaction is frequently the first point of contact with a new patient and a continual source of contact with established…

Certified Chiropractic Clinical Assistant Training is now available as part of Library Membership! This official training is for those who wish to certify through the Federation of Chiropractic Licensing Boards (FCLB). The KMC University Library is an online resource for chiropractors and their teams that provides access to a vast array of educational materials and resources related to Medicare, documentation, billing, coding, compliance, and the business aspects of running a chiropractic practice. It can help chiropractors and their teams stay up-to-date on the latest regulations and best practices, as well as save time and money by avoiding costly mistakes. Click here to learn more.

Helpful Phone Scripts

A CA (Chiropractic Assistant) may have mastered the ability to answer the phone with a simple phrase but might not know what to say when taking calls from a solicitor, or when a patient asks to speak to the doctor. The suggested phone dialogue gives you a general idea of what to say in certain…

Certified Chiropractic Clinical Assistant Training is now available as part of Library Membership! This official training is for those who wish to certify through the Federation of Chiropractic Licensing Boards (FCLB). The KMC University Library is an online resource for chiropractors and their teams that provides access to a vast array of educational materials and resources related to Medicare, documentation, billing, coding, compliance, and the business aspects of running a chiropractic practice. It can help chiropractors and their teams stay up-to-date on the latest regulations and best practices, as well as save time and money by avoiding costly mistakes. Click here to learn more.

Telephone Etiquette

Telephone Etiquette Do’s & Don’ts Proper telephone etiquette is important when receiving or making calls for your clinic. You are ultimately an extension of your clinic; leaving a favorable impression with a caller over the phone is imperative for a positive clinic/patient relationship. DO DON’T Pause before answering the phone; be prepared to give the…

Certified Chiropractic Clinical Assistant Training is now available as part of Library Membership! This official training is for those who wish to certify through the Federation of Chiropractic Licensing Boards (FCLB). The KMC University Library is an online resource for chiropractors and their teams that provides access to a vast array of educational materials and resources related to Medicare, documentation, billing, coding, compliance, and the business aspects of running a chiropractic practice. It can help chiropractors and their teams stay up-to-date on the latest regulations and best practices, as well as save time and money by avoiding costly mistakes. Click here to learn more.