PACE Approved Courses with KMC University

KMC University is a recognized PACE Provider by the PACE program of the Federation of Chiropractic Licensing Boards. PACE recognizes continuing education courses that promote quality chiropractic continuing education programs, provide reliable and scientifically sound educational updates, help chiropractors remain current on licensing and new, effective clinical protocols, and help practitioners avoid isolation through peer-related educational activities.

Most boards accept PACE courses. Look for your state below to find out the best way to search for CE and what you need to know when selecting a course.

For courses that are submitted via PACE, the following states are approved:

States listed below accept PACE. *If your state is not listed, please check with your board directly.

Alaska Maryland New York Tennessee
Connecticut Massachusetts North Carolina Utah
District of Columbia Minnesota North Dakota Vermont
Idaho Montana Ohio Virginia
Indiana Nebraska Oregon Washington
Iowa Nevada Rhode Island Wyoming
Kansas New Hampshire South Carolina
Maine New Jersey South Dakota
*If your state is not listed, KMC University can provide you with an hour-by-hour outline, and course completion certificate for possible CE credit. For states, such as Colorado, that allow the doctor some discretion without formal approval from the board to determine whether the event is CE worthy, the content of this event should qualify. It is, however, at the discretion of your board if they will accept this synchronous, online training toward your DC Continuing Education Credits.


NOTE: Some boards restrict the number of online hours. Check what your state  requires for CE credits here: (There are states on this list that require to be applied for via the state directly).