Financial Tone on Visit One
In this lesson, we’ll follow the steps of the financial aspects of the end of an initial visit, in order to build a strong financial foundation with each new patient. If you have reviewed the prior Lesson on Financial Data Gathering you have already prepared the way to easily and successfully collect money on the first visit and set the tone of your financial relationship. Keep in mind, especially when dealing with Medicare patients, when going over the financial data it is critical to be clear in your explanations. How you can do that in writing with a system that makes it easy for your patient to understand is highlighted in this lesson. In this financial milestone, we pick up the baton from the doctor to bring visit one to a close with strong financial procedure. As you review the materials contained in this lesson, you will create specific processes within your practice to ensure all insurance verification is completed prior to the patient’s first visit, if possible, and absolutely by the end of visit one. You can find additional support materials to assist you with time management and productivity in the KMC University Billing and Collections Department and the specifics of how to verify insurance in the General Reimbursement and Medicare Departments Lessons. You will review the scripting that explains to your new patient the benefits of ChiroHealthUSA so they say yes every time. No matter the new patient situation, you must collect some amount of money over-the-counter at the end of this visit. This important process sets the tone for personal financial responsibility with the patient.