Compliant Coding and Documentation for all Chiropractic Techniques

Documentation requirements for each type of treatment can vary and failure to recognize these nuances can cause compliance violations. This training will outline how to learn these vital details and how to assimilate that information when documenting patient encounters. Our members enjoy one hour of continuing education credit (in participating states) per month, and we foot the bill! Unfortunately, it’s not included in your level of membership, but we’d be happy to provide you with…


Compliance Factors for Insurance Billing

This training will educate the provider on the federal implications of the claim form and specific regulations in the process once a claim has been finalized in order to reduce provider risk and improve compliance. Our members enjoy one hour of continuing education credit (in participating states) per month, and we foot the bill! Unfortunately, it’s not included in your level of membership, but we’d be happy to provide you with more information on how…


Your Medicare Advantage / Part C Toolkit

Say goodbye to frustration and join us for an enlightening live webinar training that will equip you with the knowledge and tools to conquer the complexities of Medicare Part C. Our members enjoy one hour of continuing education credit (in participating states) per month, and we foot the bill! Unfortunately, it’s not included in your level of membership, but we’d be happy to provide you with more information on how you, too, can enjoy this…


Minimizing Risk by Preventing Medicare Improper Payments

Let’s take a deep dive into fraud, waste, and abuse-type errors, which don’t have to be intentional. See how to minimize risk before claims are ever batched to submit. Our members enjoy one hour of continuing education credit (in participating states) per month, and we foot the bill! Unfortunately, it’s not included in your level of membership, but we’d be happy to provide you with more information on how you, too, can enjoy this and…


Risk Management Consideration -Patient Billing & Collections

By attending this webinar, you’ll gain peace of mind, knowing that your clinic is on the right track with patient billing and collections. Plus, you will be equipped to avoid common pitfalls that could jeopardize your practice’s financial stability. Our members enjoy one hour of continuing education credit (in participating states) per month, and we foot the bill! Unfortunately, it’s not included in your level of membership, but we’d be happy to provide you with…


Patient Financial Standard Operating Procedure

Join us to unlock the secrets to becoming a compliant and profitable healthcare provider. Our members enjoy one hour of continuing education credit (in participating states) per month, and we foot the bill! Unfortunately, it’s not included in your level of membership, but we’d be happy to provide you with more information on how you, too, can enjoy this and many other benefits in our Library or 1-on-1 training program. Click here to learn more.
