How to Perform a Baseline Documentation Audit

Before you install a Compliance Program, you must identify risk and threats to compliance. One of the most effective elements of an effective Compliance Program is internal auditing and monitoring. Our members enjoy one hour of continuing education credit (in participating states) per quarter, and we foot the bill! Unfortunately, it’s not included in your level of membership, but we’d be happy to provide you with more information on how you, too, can enjoy this…


Compliant Documentation for Adjusting Multiple Spinal Regions

In the world of documentation compliance, chiropractors who routinely adjust the full spine are often challenged by the requirement that documentation and coding must match exactly. Our members enjoy one hour of continuing education credit (in participating states) per quarter, and we foot the bill! Unfortunately, it’s not included in your level of membership, but we’d be happy to provide you with more information on how you, too, can enjoy this and many other benefits…


Medicare Mastery Part 2: Complicated Compliance in Medicare

This session will cover all the new rules as well as everything you ever wanted to know about the topic. Our members enjoy one hour of continuing education credit (in participating states) per quarter, and we foot the bill! Unfortunately, it’s not included in your level of membership, but we’d be happy to provide you with more information on how you, too, can enjoy this and many other benefits in our Library or 1-on-1 training…


Medicare Mastery Part 1: Medicare Fundamental Regulations

This session will assist providers and team members with the complicated and often convoluted aspects of this high-risk program. Our members enjoy one hour of continuing education credit (in participating states) per quarter, and we foot the bill! Unfortunately, it’s not included in your level of membership, but we’d be happy to provide you with more information on how you, too, can enjoy this and many other benefits in our Library or 1-on-1 training program….


Ancillary Services: Yes, You Have to Document Those Too!

This session will dive deep into the requirements necessary in your plan of treatment to justify medical necessity for these adjunctive services. Likewise, we will review the exact language crucial to the requirements of daily visit documentation. You will be ready to apply these winning suggestions to your documentation immediately. Our members enjoy one hour of continuing education credit (in participating states) per quarter, and we foot the bill! Unfortunately, it’s not included in your…


Documenting & Coding for Unproven, Investigational or Experimental Procedures

As the practice of chiropractic expands and DCs explore new technologies and methodologies for treating and serving their patients, a Pandora’s Box of issues comes right along with it. Our members enjoy one hour of continuing education credit (in participating states) per quarter, and we foot the bill! Unfortunately, it’s not included in your level of membership, but we’d be happy to provide you with more information on how you, too, can enjoy this and…
