New Medicare Beneficiary Identifiers Due to Breach

CMS announced, “Patient’s Medicare Beneficiary Identifier (MBI) May Change” due to a recent breach. We consider that KMC University members are under our care and protection, which includes keeping them up to date on important changes, updates, and news that can affect their reimbursement and compliance. This content is meant for members. We’d love to help you come under our umbrella of care and protection with membership. Click here to learn more.

Payer Updates

Medicare’s Revised ABN

The Medicare Advance Beneficiary Notice (ABN) may carry the tagline Annoying, But Necessary but this does not mean that providers can ignore it or worse, wing it when it comes to implementing it correctly. We consider that KMC University members are under our care and protection, which includes keeping them up to date on important changes, updates, and news that can affect their reimbursement and compliance. This content is meant for members. We’d love to…

Payer Updates

Managing Pre-Payment & Post-Payment Audits

Each time a provider submits a claim, the data is analyzed, and the findings are used to create policies, establish procedures, increase efficiency, and reduce fraud, waste and abuse. We consider that KMC University members are under our care and protection, which includes keeping them up to date on important changes, updates, and news that can affect their reimbursement and compliance. This content is meant for members. We’d love to help you come under our…

Payer Updates

Cigna Update

In mid-year 2022 Cigna spoke about a pre-bill review on all E/M services that are billed with modifier-25. This was placed on hold until the first quarter of 2023. It appears that in some regions only the re-evaluation codes may be impacted. Yet some payer updates state ‘all E/M codes submitted with modifier-25 appended.” We consider that KMC University members are under our care and protection, which includes keeping them up to date on important…

Payer Updates

United Healthcare Appeals

Starting February 1st all appeals must be submitted electronically for United Healthcare UHC claims. From reconsiderations to appeals, the electronic only submission requirement will impact providers nationwide. We consider that KMC University members are under our care and protection, which includes keeping them up to date on important changes, updates, and news that can affect their reimbursement and compliance. This content is meant for members. We’d love to help you come under our umbrella of…

Payer Updates

2023 No Surprises Act Update

The No Surprises Act is more than just a balance billing protection law for patients. It can be a challenge to determine what portion of this complex law applies to DCs and what is or is not being enforced. This quick summary will hopefully assist your clinic in creating a To Do list for 2023 as it relates to NSA obligations. We consider that KMC University members are under our care and protection, which includes…

Payer Updates