The Importance of Finding Payer Fee Schedules

Many times, offices walk into contracts to gain new patients or just because everyone in town accepts a specific insurance plan. However, signing a contract without understanding the implications of the contracted rates can lead to financial losses for your clinic.

HelpDesk FAQs

Are You Delegating Services Correctly?

It is time to protect your practice from this costly mistake. Don’t be an office who comes to us after the recoupment starts, be proactive and make sure you are dotting your i’s and crossing your t’s. We consider that KMC University members are under our care and protection, which includes keeping them up to date on important changes, updates, and news that can affect their reimbursement and compliance. This content is meant for members….

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Medicare Reimbursement Rates Have Changed – Are You Ready?

Some Medicare jurisdictions have already updated their fee schedules for 2025, and more adjustments may be on the way. Are you staying on top of these changes?

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Medicare IVR Eligibility Check Ending – What You Need to Do!

Big changes are coming to the way you verify Medicare Part B eligibility! CMS has mandated that all Medicare Administrative Contractors (MACs) disable the Interactive Voice Response (IVR) eligibility check by March 31, 2025 — and some MACs are shutting it down even sooner.

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Going Out-of-Network? Key Steps for a Smooth Transition.

Many chiropractors are leaving insurance networks due to low reimbursements and administrative headaches—but what does that mean for your practice?

HelpDesk FAQs

Medicare Fees for 2025: Essential Updates for Chiropractors

The 2025 Medicare fee schedule is out, and changes are here! Learn how to access and understand your Medicare administrative contractor’s fee schedule for your jurisdiction, identify the correct rates for your practice, and update your software accordingly.

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