Announcements page 37

ABN – A Brand New Form

The wait is finally over. You no longer need to feel like you are breaking the rules of Medicare by using an ABN form that expired in March 2020. CMS was delayed in approving the new ABN form; however, on June 24th, they updated their website and released the latest version. We consider that KMC University members are under our care and protection, which includes keeping them up to date on important changes, updates, and…

News / Chronicles

Compliant Documentation for Adjusting Multiple Spinal Regions

In the world of documentation compliance, chiropractors who routinely adjust the full spine are often challenged by the requirement that documentation and coding must match exactly. We all know that coding the Chiropractic Manipulative Treatment (CMT) code 98942, indicating that all five regions have been adjusted, may be asking for trouble. But what if you did adjust all five? And what if your documentation can’t reflect medical necessity in all five regions? Our members enjoy…


Ancillary Services: Yes, You Have to Document Those Too!

This session will dive deep into the requirements necessary in your plan of treatment to justify medical necessity for these adjunctive services. Likewise, we’ll review the exact language crucial to the requirements of daily visit documentation. You’ll be ready to apply these winning suggestions to your documentation immediately. Our members enjoy one hour of continuing education credit (in participating states) per quarter, and we foot the bill! Unfortunately, it’s not included in your level of…


Telemedicine, Emergency SBA Loans, and Social Distancing… Oh My!

Telemedicine and home visits may be available to you for the time being. Learn what you must know about coverage and billing. Our members enjoy one hour of continuing education credit (in participating states) per quarter, and we foot the bill! Unfortunately, it’s not included in your level of membership, but we’d be happy to provide you with more information on how you, too, can enjoy this and many other benefits in our Library or…


Documenting & Coding for Unproven, Investigational or Experimental Procedures

As the practice of chiropractic expands and DCs explore new technologies and methodologies for treating and serving their patients, a Pandora’s Box of issues comes right along with it. The challenge is that although some of this treatment may be clinically appropriate as far as the provider is concerned, it may not meet with the standards of care published by state boards of examiners, insurers or other governing bodies. Our members enjoy one hour of…


Medicare, Coding, and other 2020 Updates You Need to Know

Join Kathy Mills Chang for this informative update to prepare yourself, your team and your practice for what’s new in 2020. This webinar training will provide you with exact details of the changes and provide you with step-by-step to dos necessary to bring you up to speed. Our members enjoy one hour of continuing education credit (in participating states) per quarter, and we foot the bill! Unfortunately, it’s not included in your level of membership,…
