Announcements page 15

KMC University’s Chronicles

We know you count on us to keep you up to date with the most important information in the profession. We have compiled updates, blogs, and news for you into this convenient digital publication. Watch for this recap, courtesy of your friends here at KMCU. We consider that KMC University members are under our care and protection, which includes keeping them up to date on important changes, updates, and news that can affect their reimbursement…

News / Chronicles

ICD-10 Changes Effective October 1, 2022

Great news! Not a lot of changes to worry about this year, but an important few are highlighted in this Help Desk video by KMC. Check it out for what you need to know in order to be up to date with the new codes. We consider that KMC University members are under our care and protection, which includes keeping them up to date on important changes, updates, and news that can affect their reimbursement…

HelpDesk FAQs

It’s That Time of Year Again: ICD-10 Coding Updates for October 1, 2022

ICD-10 Coding Updates ICD-10-CM diagnosis codes are updated each year on October 1, and this year is no exception to the rule. This year’s changes will not impact most chiropractors as much as some of the ICD-10-CM updates in the recent past did. However, thanks to a valued colleague of ours here at KMC University,… We consider that KMC University members are under our care and protection, which includes keeping them up to date on…

News / Chronicles

Documentation Elements of Manual Therapy

Documentation and proper prescription orders for manual therapy are constantly on the hot seat in audits and recoupment requests. Our members enjoy one hour of continuing education credit (in participating states) per quarter, and we foot the bill! Unfortunately, it’s not included in your level of membership, but we’d be happy to provide you with more information on how you, too, can enjoy this and many other benefits in our Library or 1-on-1 training program….


Optum Announces Coverage for Routine Chiropractic Services

If you have patients that are part of a  Medicare Advantage plan managed by Optum, you will want to check out the Optum Policy Number 0069 Supplemental/Routine Chiropractic Services prior to submitting claims for active or maintenance care.   We consider that KMC University members are under our care and protection, which includes keeping them up to date on important changes, updates, and news that can affect their reimbursement and compliance. This content is meant for…

Payer Updates

BCBS Low Back Imaging Requirements

BCBS of Illinois released a Tip Sheet on Use of Imaging Studies for Low Back Pain.  Based on the intent to improve quality of care, they are recommending that providers avoid imaging in the first four weeks of new-onset of back pain. These recommendations are based on NCQA’s HEDIS Measures. A similar notice was posted in early 2022 by BCBS of Texas and in July by BCBS of NC.  We consider that KMC University members…

Payer Updates